The Ultimate 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Guide - Shepherd Sense (2024)

Table of Contents
7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Highlights What to Expect With Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy What’s on the Menu? Training, Socialization, Health Care, and More! Here’s what to focus on with your 7-week-old German Shepherd: Puppy Stages: 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Behavior and Development Physical Development: Size, Height, and Weight Essential Training Potty Training Consistency is Key Choose the Right Spot Accidents Happen Crate Training Patience and Positive Reinforcement Potty Training Routine In addition to these regular potty breaks, you should take your puppy outside: Why is My 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Still Biting Me? The Basics of Puppy Training Socialization Building Confidence, Curiosity, and Connections Build Confidence Develop Canine Communication Skills Prevent Behavior Issues Create Lasting Bonds How to Socialize Your Pup: Paws and People Welcome Here’s how to do socialization right: Puppy Playtime: Keeping Active Toy Time Puppy Playdates Mental Stimulation How Much Playtime Does a 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Need? Safe Exercise for Puppies Safe Time ⏰ Safe Distance 🚶‍♀️ Safe Way 🌲 The Importance of Sleep for Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Establishing a Sleep Schedule Nighttime Sleep Feeding Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Healthy Growth and Development Immune System Boost Shiny Coat and Bright Eyes What to Feed a 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Here are a few trusted foods: Treats Feeding Schedule Here’s a sample feeding schedule for a German Shepherd puppy: Taking Care of a 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Shielding with Vaccinations Common Health Concerns Spotting Trouble Early On In Summary: Raising Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Here’s what to focus on when your German Shepherd puppy is 7 weeks old: Free German Shepherd Puppy Weight and Growth Tracker PDF

If you’ve just welcomed a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy into your life, you’re in for a delightful journey.

Thankfully, from mealtime magic to training triumphs, I’ve got the playbook to make your new friend thrive.

Welcome to your ultimate guide to a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy!

7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Highlights

Size and HeightAverages: 16 lbs for females, 20 lbs for males. Height: 7 to 10 inches tall at the shoulder.
Feeding Schedule3 to 4 times a day at scheduled times.
Key FocusSocialization, Potty Training, Biting Management, Nutrition, Play and Exercise, Positive Experiences
Biggest ProblemsPotty Accidents, Nipping and Biting, Fear and Anxiety
Important TakeawaysThis stage is crucial for setting the foundation of a well-behaved and confident adult German Shepherd. Prioritize socialization, potty training, bite inhibition, and a balanced diet.

What to Expect With Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy

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Your 7-week-old German Shepherd pup is a whirlwind of curiosity and energy!

Expect boundless enthusiasm, rapid growth, and lots of playtime. Your little furball will start showing individuality and may test boundaries (that’s the rebellious streak). Be ready for those puppy accidents and sleepless nights.

To ensure a smooth journey, use positive reinforcement for training. It’s a fun way to bond and lay the foundation for good behavior. Stay patient and consistent, and shower them with love. Trust me, you’re setting the stage for an unbreakable bond.

Think of this stage as the foundation of a magnificent doggy skyscraper.

You wouldn’t build a skyscraper without a solid base, right?

Well, your puppy’s early weeks are the blueprint for their entire life. Proper care now ensures they grow into a confident, well-behaved, and loving adult German Shepherd.

But hold on.

Before you get overwhelmed, let’s start with the basics.

What’s on the Menu? Training, Socialization, Health Care, and More!

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In the coming sections, I’m serving you a buffet of insights and practical tips, just like a chef dishing out a multi-course meal.

Here’s what to focus on with your 7-week-old German Shepherd:

  1. Development: weight, size, and behavior

  2. Essential training: potty training , bite inhibition, and socialization

  3. Playtime and exercise: fun times and safe walks

  4. Nutrition: feeding schedule and treats

  5. Health: sleep, vaccinations, and preventative care

So, fasten your seatbelt because this journey is going to be a tail-wagging ride!

Puppy Stages: 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Behavior and Development

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Think of this phase as the backstage preparations before a grand performance. Your puppy’s body and mind have been gearing up for life outside their mother’s care.

Let’s break it down:

Physical Development: Size, Height, and Weight

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Your puppy is rapidly changing, like a plant reaching for the sun. Their senses sharpen, and they’re getting more coordinated with each passing day.

Most 7-week-old German Shepherd puppies weigh, on average, 16 pounds for females and 20 pounds for males. These are averages; a little smaller or larger can be normal, too. Their height is anywhere between 7 and 10 inches tall at the shoulder, but can also vary. During the next few months, they’ll rapidly gain weight and grow taller.

With all that fluff getting into mischief, start their training as soon as they come home with you.

Essential Training

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With 7-week-old German Shepherd puppies, there’s a lot of excitement going on.

Focus on a few important essentials:

Potty Training

First up, potty training – accidents are totally normal at this age, so keep a consistent schedule and give lots of praise when your pup gets it right.

Nipping & Biting

Next, teething is in full swing, and that means chewing on everything! You’ll want a bunch of safe chew toys to keep those little teeth busy and away from your favorite shoes.


Finally, don’t forget about socialization experiences. This doesn’t mean your puppy needs to meet a bunch of strange dogs or people. Instead, there’s plenty you can do, even at such a young age.

Let’s explore exciting training ideas for your seven-week-old German Shepherd puppy!

Potty Training

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So, you’ve got a spirited 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy in your life, and potty training is definitely on your to-do list.

Don’t worry.

I’ve got you covered with some essential tips to make this process smoother than a puppy’s belly.

Consistency is Key

Imagine potty training like teaching a toddler to use the toilet. Stick to a routine. Take your pup out first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime.

And don’t forget to celebrate when they do their business outside—lots of praise and treats!

Choose the Right Spot

Pick a designated potty spot in your yard or nearby green space. This helps your pup associate that spot with going potty. Think of it like having their own little restroom.

Accidents Happen

Like a toddler learning to walk, your puppy will stumble along the way. Expect accidents inside; it’s part of the process. 7 weeks old is still too young to hold their bladder all night. If your pup whines in the night, get up and take them out.

Clean up with an enzyme-based cleaner to eliminate odors and prevent your pup from going potty in the same area again.

Crate Training

A crate is like your puppy’s safe den. When you can’t watch them closely, use a puppy crate.

Learn the art of crate training—basically, you use a crate sparingly as a haven and place of security for the pup.

Puppies also don’t like to soil their sleeping area in their crates. So it’s a win-win!

Patience and Positive Reinforcement

Be as patient as a saint and use positive reinforcement. Lavish praise, belly rubs, and treats when your pup gets it right.

Potty training is a work in progress, similar to teaching a child to use the toilet. Accidents happen, but stay patient as your puppy gains better control.

Your pup will get the hang of it.

Potty Training Routine

A 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy typically needs to go potty quite frequently due to their small bladder and developing control. On average, you can expect your puppy to need a bathroom break every 1 to 2 hours during the day.

In addition to these regular potty breaks, you should take your puppy outside:

  1. After Meals: Puppies often need to go within 15-30 minutes after eating.

  2. After Playtime: Playtime is exciting and can stimulate their bowels, so take them out afterward.

  3. After Waking Up: When they wake up from a nap or a night’s sleep, they’ll need to relieve themselves.

  4. Before Bed: Make sure to take your puppy out for one last potty break before bedtime to minimize nighttime disruptions.

  5. When You See the Signs: Watch for sniffing or pawing the ground, circling their bodies in the same spot, or when they wander off behind the furniture and get them outside.

As your puppy grows and gains more control over their bladder, they’ll be able to hold it for longer periods. However, at 7 weeks, their bladder capacity is still quite limited, so be patient and consistent with potty training.

Gradually, you’ll notice your pup can go longer between bathroom breaks.

Why is My 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Still Biting Me?

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Teething can make your pup chew on everything in sight. Start working on teaching them bite inhibition.

That’s a fancy term that means working with your dog so they learn they are in control of their own teeth (because no one wants shark teeth on their fingers, hands, or ankles!).

It’s also what some owners call “disciplining a German Shepherd for biting.” In reality, they’re exploring the world through their mouths, so expect playful (and sometimes painful) nipping.

I know your puppy’s sharp little teeth are like miniature daggers!

But don’t worry; it’s perfectly normal.

Provide appropriate chew toys to soothe their sore gums and prevent destructive chewing.

The Basics of Puppy Training

You can start basic training with your 7-week-old German Shepherd to help them learn what to do instead of biting you. One of your puppy’s first training objectives might be to ‘Sit’.

Once you’ve lured your puppy into position and they’ve performed the command, instantly reward them with a treat or praise!

Your puppy may not obey your first command. Don’t worry because basic obedience isn’t your focus this early in puppyhood—potty training, bite inhibition, and early socialization are.

Though, it’s a smart idea to have a reward-based and mentally stimulating training plan ready to keep up with your pup’s intelligence. 💡


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Your puppy is at a critical stage of socialization. But only introduce them to known people, animals, and environments to build confidence and prevent future behavioral issues.

If proper introductions aren’t done, the experience can increase their anxiety!

Here’s what you need to know:

Building Confidence, Curiosity, and Connections

When it comes to your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy, the phrase “early bird catches the worm” couldn’t be more apt. Positive early socialization sets the stage for a confident, well-adjusted, and sociable adult dog.

Early socialization is the key to helping your German Shepherd puppy become a confident and well-rounded adult dog. This period is crucial for shaping their behavior, attitudes, and responses to various situations.

Positive early socialization helps your pup:

Build Confidence

Just like a child making new friends, your puppy learns that the world is a friendly and exciting place. This confidence boost sets the stage for a lifetime of positive interactions.

Develop Canine Communication Skills

Socializing with other dogs teaches your pup how to “speak dog.” They’ll learn cues, signals, and body language, enabling smoother interactions in the future.

Prevent Behavior Issues

Early exposure to different people, animals, and environments reduces the likelihood of fear-based aggression, anxiety, and other behavioral problems in adulthood.

Create Lasting Bonds

The memories formed during positive early socialization create a deep bond of trust and companionship between you and your German Shepherd. You’re laying the foundation of a lifelong friendship.

How to Socialize Your Pup: Paws and People Welcome

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Socializing your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy is an exciting adventure to broaden their horizons.

It opens the door to a world of new experiences and friendships.

Here’s how to do socialization right:

  1. Meet and Greet: Start by introducing your pup to known people – family, friends, and neighbors. Ensure these encounters are positive, rewarding your pup for calm and friendly behavior.

  2. Doggy Playdates: Arrange playdates with other well-vaccinated, and 100% friendly dogs. Observe their interactions closely and intervene if needed to ensure a positive experience.

  3. Explore the World: Take your pup on short outings to clean environments – your front and back yard are great (on a long line leash) and gradually expose them to different sights, sounds, and smells, always prioritizing their safety and comfort.

  4. Positive Reinforcement: Reward your pup with treats, praise, and affection for good behavior during socialization experiences. Positive reinforcement helps them associate these encounters with positivity and fun.

  5. Gentle Handling: Get your pup accustomed to being handled, including grooming, touching their paws, and examining their ears and mouth. This helps them become comfortable with vet visits and grooming sessions as they grow older.

Early socialization with your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy is an investment in their future happiness. But tailor it to their personality and comfort level, ensuring their experiences are positive and free from fear or stress.

Puppy Playtime: Keeping Active

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At this age, your energetic ball of fur is ready to explore the world and burn off some puppy steam. Playtime is crucial for your puppy’s physical and mental development.

But remember, like a toddler, they tire out quickly. Short, frequent play sessions are key.

Think of it as giving them little bursts of excitement throughout the day!

Toy Time

Toys are your best friends. Invest in a variety of safe and stimulating toys. From squeaky balls to chew toys, they keep your pup engaged and entertained.

Rotate toys to keep things fresh; it’s like a new adventure every day.

Puppy Playdates

Your pup is at a prime age for socialization. Arrange playdates with other vaccinated puppies or well-behaved adult dogs. This is like sending your child to kindergarten—it’s where they learn valuable social skills like sharing and polite play.

Always supervise playdates to ensure everyone’s safety. Puppies can get carried away, so be ready to step in if things get too rowdy.

You must be the responsible parent at the playground.

Mental Stimulation

Don’t forget mental exercise!

Puzzle toys and interactive games are like giving your pup a crossword puzzle. They keep your furry friend’s mind sharp and engaged, and German Shepherds are always up for puzzle games.

Looking to keep your new pup’s mind and body happy?

Check out these free guides for expert tips and watch your furry friend’s tail wag with joy!

How to Have a Healthy German Shepherd 💛

Discover the secrets to raising a vibrant and thriving German Shepherd. From nutrition tips to exercise strategies, I’ve got all the keys to ensure your loyal companion lives their healthiest, happiest life.

Fun Games and Activities for German Shepherds 🎉

Ready to add some excitement to your dog’s day? Explore thrilling games and activities guaranteed to keep your mischievous pup entertained and engaged! Get ready for those zoomies with these fun games.

How Much Playtime Does a 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Need?

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A 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy needs plenty of playtime to expend their energy and stimulate their growing mind. Aim for around 30-45 minutes of play spread throughout the day, divided into shorter sessions to prevent them from getting overtired. Think in terms of bursts of play rather than strenuous, long sessions.

Puppies at this age are like little bundles of curiosity and enthusiasm, so engage them in interactive play, such as easy fetch or hide-and-seek with toys. These activities not only provide physical exercise but also help with mental stimulation and bonding.

While play is essential, it’s equally important to ensure your puppy gets enough rest. Puppies tire quickly, so provide opportunities for naps and downtime to help them recharge.

Strike a balance between play and rest for a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted German Shepherd pup by your side.

Safe Exercise for Puppies

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At 7 weeks old, German Shepherd puppies are still very young and delicate, and their exercise needs should be handled with care to avoid any harm. The general rule of thumb is that you should limit formal walks or structured exercise for a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy.

Safe Time

Short, gentle walks should last no more than 5–10 minutes. Keep in mind that puppies have bursts of energy but tire quickly.

Safe Distance 🚶‍♀️

Stick to very short distances, around a block or less. Remember, their little legs and joints are still developing.

Safe Way 🌲

Focus on casual, informal walks rather than intense exercise. Stick to grassy areas that are clean. Let your puppy set the pace and avoid activities that put strain on their growing bodies, like jogging or long hikes.

It’s crucial to prioritize free playtime in a safe, controlled environment, such as your backyard or a securely fenced area. This allows your puppy to move and explore at their own pace without overexerting themselves.

For now, the key is to provide plenty of socialization, playtime, and gentle exploration while safeguarding their physical health.

The Importance of Sleep for Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy

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Just like babies need nap time, your puppy requires ample rest to support their rapid growth and development. At 7 weeks, they should be getting around 18–20 hours of sleep per day. Sleep recharges their batteries for the adventures ahead.

During their waking hours, puppies are learning about the world. But after all that exploring, they need quality rest to process and consolidate their newfound knowledge. Adequate sleep also aids in their physical development, as it’s during slumber that their bodies repair and grow.

Establishing a Sleep Schedule

Creating a sleep routine is as important for your puppy as it is for you. Consistency is the key.

Start by identifying their natural sleep patterns.

Think of it like setting up a daily routine for a child—have regular nap times, and you’ll notice your pup becomes less cranky and more alert when they’re awake.

Be mindful of their comfort as well; a cozy doggie bed can make all the difference. Make bedtime a calming ritual, just like a soothing bedtime story for a child.

This will help signal to your puppy that it’s time to wind down. It’s not the time to play; use a quiet voice and dim the lights to help.

Nighttime Sleep

At night, be prepared for some interruptions, especially at 7 weeks. Your puppy’s bladder is still tiny, so they may need a bathroom break during the night.

Take them out for a quick potty break before bedtime, and then set an alarm to wake up for another one during the night. Gradually, they’ll be able to hold it longer, and you’ll both enjoy more uninterrupted sleep.

Create a cozy and comfortable sleep environment, establish routines, and be patient during the night as your pup learns to sleep through.

Feeding Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy

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It’s time to fill your pup’s bowl with knowledge on nutrition, portion sizes, and the best food choices to fuel their growth. I’ll even throw in some delicious treat ideas for those times when you need to reward your pup with something extra special.

Just like a high-performance race car needs premium fuel, your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy deserves top-notch nutrition. 🏎

High-quality puppy food isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Here’s why:

Healthy Growth and Development

Think of it as the building blocks for your pup’s body. A balanced diet with the right nutrients supports their bone, muscle, and organ development.

Immune System Boost

It’s like giving your pup a suit of armor. Quality food helps strengthen their immune system, protecting them from common illnesses.

Shiny Coat and Bright Eyes

Ever seen a dog with a dull coat and sad eyes?

You won’t if you feed them well. Good food promotes a glossy coat and vibrant eyes.

What to Feed a 7-Week-Old German Shepherd

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Imagine your pup as a little athlete; they’re growing fast, and that takes energy.

At 7 weeks old, German Shepherd puppies need a lot of protein for muscle growth. Aim for at least 22% protein content in their food. Fat is their energy source. Look for foods with around 8% fat to keep them active. And check to make sure you’re feeding your German Shepherd puppy a balanced diet.

With a gazillion dog food brands out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Here are a few trusted foods:

Think of brands like Purina Pro Plan and vet-recommended Hill’s Science Diet as they invest in research for the healthiest recipes. They’re also balanced for large-breed puppies, exactly what your German Shepherd needs to grow strong and athletic.

While it’s fun to sometimes make homemade food for our puppies, it’s not a long-term choice due to how complicated they are to balance. Without the right vitamins and minerals your pup could become seriously ill on a homemade diet (source).

Stick to reputable dog food brands and opt for sensitive puppy foods if your pup has stomach issues.


I know how much you want to show your pup your love with treats, but stick to healthy choices:

  1. Freeze-dried liver: This is the Ferrari of dog treats—it only takes a tiny bit to get your pup’s motor running!
  2. Freshly baked chicken: Without the skin, bones, and seasonings, shredded chicken is loved by puppies and adult German Shepherds alike.
  3. Sliced and diced baby carrots: Served raw in tiny slices no bigger than your pinky nail, are a hydrating, low-calorie treat that also enhances eye development.

Whatever healthy treat you choose, remember that every calorie counts towards your dog’s daily intake. Keep treats to no more than 10% of your German Shepherd’s daily calories.

Don’t overdo it!

Feeding Schedule

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Timing is everything, and puppies are no exception.

Divide their daily food into 3 to 4 meals into non-slip bowls and adjust based on their appetite and activity level. Monitor their weight and adjust portions to maintain a healthy growth rate.

Always have clean, fresh water available.

Portion control is key, like serving the right-sized portions to a growing child—not too much, not too little. (See: How Much to Feed a German Shepherd Puppy.)

Here’s a sample feeding schedule for a German Shepherd puppy:

Morning (7:00 AM)

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Rise and shine!

Start with a hearty breakfast to kickstart their day.

Noon (12:00 PM)

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A midday meal keeps their energy up.

Afternoon (3:00 PM)

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A light snack.

Think of it as a puppy pick-me-up.

Evening (6:00 PM)

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Make it a balanced meal to keep them satisfied.

Every pup is unique, so consult your vet for personalized advice if you have any questions.

Taking Care of a 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy

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Brace yourself for an informative look into the realm of your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy’s health. In this section, I’ll explore vital aspects of their well-being, from vaccinations to common health concerns, and how to spot signs of trouble early on.

Shielding with Vaccinations

Your puppy’s health is like a fortress, and vaccinations are the bricks that fortify it. At 7 weeks old, your German Shepherd needs crucial vaccinations to protect against common diseases. Think of it as putting on armor before going into battle.

Vaccinations such as distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis safeguard your pup from potentially life-threatening illnesses. Consult your veterinarian to establish a vaccination schedule tailored to your pup’s specific needs. These shots are your puppy’s first line of defense; don’t skip them.

Common Health Concerns

As your puppy grows, they might encounter some health hiccups. One common concern is gastrointestinal upset, like diarrhea or vomiting. This can be caused by dietary changes or ingesting something they shouldn’t have (puppy curiosity at its finest!).

Keep an eye on their food and environment to prevent these issues.

Another frequent guest on the puppy health stage is parasites. Fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms are unwelcome but common visitors. Regularly check your pup, invest in preventatives, and consult your vet for guidance.

Just like regular check-ups at the doctor keep you in top shape, your pup needs the same. Remember, it’s all part of growing up.

Spotting Trouble Early On

Detective skills aren’t just for solving mysteries; they’re also for safeguarding your puppy’s well-being. Early detection of health issues can make all the difference. Keep a close watch on your puppy’s behavior and physical condition.

Look out for signs of trouble like changes in appetite, energy levels, or unusual behaviors. Pay attention to any coughing, sneezing, or excessive scratching. If something seems off, don’t hesitate to contact your vet.

Being a guardian of your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy’s health means understanding the importance of vaccinations, staying vigilant about common health concerns, and becoming a keen observer to spot any early warning signs.

You’re a superhero in the battle for your puppy’s health! 🦸‍♀️

In Summary: Raising Your 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy

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Caring for a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy is like embarking on a delightful journey filled with wagging tails and boundless enthusiasm.

They’re little adventurers with big personalities!

Here’s what to focus on when your German Shepherd puppy is 7 weeks old:

  • Potty Training: Be ready for potty training, with lots of patience and celebration for each successful outdoor venture. Accidents happen, but consistency is key, and soon you’ll both master the art of clean floors.

  • Playful Explorations: Your little one is a tiny explorer, so prepare for playful antics and curiosity that knows no bounds. Encourage their curiosity by providing safe toys and opportunities to discover the world around them.

  • Miniature Walks: Short, sweet walks are the name of the game. Your pup’s tiny legs won’t go the distance, so keep walks brief and leisurely. Watch as they take in the sights, sounds, and smells of their new world.

  • Cozy Naptimes: With all that exploring and learning, your pup needs plenty of beauty sleep. Expect them to curl up for frequent, adorable naptimes, often dreaming of exciting adventures.

  • Socialization and Cuddles: Socialize your puppy with people, other dogs, and various environments to build their confidence. And don’t forget the cuddles—they’re the cherry on top of your bonding moments.

In no time, your little ball of fur will transform into a loyal companion. Shower them with love, and watch as they grow into your trusted sidekick on life’s grand journey.

Woof-tastic fun awaits! 🐾

Why not grab a freebie to help you raise your pup before you go? 👇

Free German Shepherd Puppy Weight and Growth Tracker PDF

Are you eagerly raising a German Shepherd puppy and want to ensure they reach their full potential?

I’ve got just the tool you need—a free German Shepherd puppy weight and growth tracker PDF!

This easy-to-use resource will help you monitor your pup’s growth, track milestones, and stay on top of their health needs.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to support your pup’s journey to becoming a happy and healthy adult German Shepherd!

The Ultimate 7-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Guide - Shepherd Sense (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.