9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (2024)

On a trip to New Mexico, Karen and I visited one of those places that she fondly calls a hidden gem: the Smokey Bear Historical Park and Museum in Capitan. We were traveling through New Mexico for a week in May 2017 with our friends John and Lolly, visiting national park sites. As we made our way from White Sands National Monument to Carlsbad Caverns, we all agreed it would be worth a detour to Capitan to check it out.

Whenever we write about Smokey Bear, one of the first comments we get is, “You realize that Smokey Bear is not associated with the National Parks, don’t you?” Yes, we’re aware Smokey works for the Department of Agriculture, as in the National Forest Service, rather than the National Park Service, which is part of the Department of the Interior. But come on, how can we not recognize his contribution to the protection of our incredible public lands, and – more importantly – he’s Smokey Bear! We stop at every National Forest Visitor Center when we see him standing with his shovel outside the front door.

9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (1)

In Capitan, there are two facilities dedicated to Smokey: the Smokey Bear Historical Park, and the Smokey Bear Museum Gift Shop. The New Mexico State Forestry Division runs the park and charges a fee for entry. The gift shop does not charge an entry fee and is adjacent to the park. It was not clear to us if the park and gift shop were associated, but it didn’t matter, they were right next to each other, so it was a short walk from one to the other.

We started at the gift shop. The nice lady there gave us a brief oral history of Smokey and the memorabilia she had on display. Under glass was every possible piece of Smokey merchandise from the past 70 years. There were also t-shirts, hats, and patches for sale that are hard to find anywhere else. Believe me, I’ve looked.

9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (2)

The Smokey Bear Historical Park also had an impressive number of displays and interpretive information about Smokey. We read all the placards and watched the video in their small theater. I now have a much better appreciation of Smokey and the public service campaign that created his character. With all of this newfound knowledge, I’ve put together a list of the nine things I hadn’t previously known about Smokey Bear.

Number One: Karen has a crush on Smokey Bear.

I had suspected this before, but after our visit to the park, I’m sure of it. My suspicions began to grow a few years ago when we were at a National Forest Service Visitor Center in the Black Hills. We asked a stranger to take our picture with the life-sized statue of Smokey Bear in the parking lot. I had forgotten the picture until a couple of weeks later when I was looking through my photos from the trip on my laptop. “What is this?” I asked. “Karen, what are you doing in this picture?” I showed her the photo, and she giggled. “Are you holding Smokey’s hand? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

There were other signs. Karen’s always too quick to agree to have her picture taken with Smokey whenever we’re in a National Forest and there’s a fire danger display. There’s Karen in the photo, standing next to him while he lets us know that the Fire Danger is Extreme Today!

The clincher was when I looked at my phone after taking her picture with Smokey inside the park’s Visitor Center. She’s glowing, and yes, she’s holding his hand.

I asked her, “What is it about Smokey? Do you like that he doesn’t have a shirt on, because I look a lot like him when I don’t have a shirt on. If you squint your eyes, the hair on my back looks like fur. Is it the hat, the belt buckle, the shovel? I need to know.”

She smiled, shook her head and said slowly, “It’s the whole package.”

9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (3)

Number Two: Smokey was a real bear.

The Forest Service authorized the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign in 1944, but it wasn’t until six years later that the program had a living symbol: a live bear. In the spring of 1950, the Capitan Gap Fire burned over 17,000 acres close to the town of Capitan. In the smoldering aftermath, firefighters found an orphaned cub in the trees. The fire had burned his paws and hind legs, but a local rancher, who had been part of the firefighting crew, agreed to take the bear home and care for him. His original name was Hotfoot Teddy.

The story of the rescued bear drew national attention. His popularity continued to grow, and the state of New Mexico thought the interest in the little bear could be used for the public good. The state game warden offered Hotfoot Teddy to the Forest Service so long as he would be used to promote the prevention of wildfires. The bear was renamed Smokey Bear and lived at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. until his death in 1976.

9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (4)

Number Three: There is a hot air balloon in the shape of Smokey’s head.

I’ve only seen pictures, but I’m guessing a 97-foot tall Smokey head is a little scary to see up close.

Owned and operated by Friends of the Smokey Bear Balloon, Inc., the hot air balloon likeness of Smokey flies at public events, usually in the Southwest. It’s the second Smokey hot air balloon. The first was destroyed in 2004 when it snagged on a radio tower in Albuquerque. Miraculously, the accident did not cause any injuries, but the balloon’s pilot and the two passengers had to climb most of the way down the 700-foot tower.

The balloon’s purpose is to draw attention to Smokey and spread his fire prevention message. Yet, at least a couple of U.S. senators have complained over the years that the $31,000 the federal government contributes each year to the cost of operating the balloon should be eliminated. I should note that $31,000 is just a fraction of the annual cost of operating the balloon.

I’m keeping my eye on the Event Calendar on the Friends’ website in hopes that someday we’ll be able to work into our travels an in-person viewing of the balloon.

Number Four: Other spokesanimals besides a bear were considered for the forest fire prevention campaign.

A couple of years before the Smokey campaign began, the Forest Service organized the Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention program. The program was intended to increase the public’s awareness of the need to prevent forest fires due to human behavior and carelessness. Engaging the public in forest fire prevention at that time was especially important at the time because the country had a shortage of firefighters due to the number of men off fighting in World War II.

At the time, Disney had just released the movie Bambi, which was a big hit. The movie’s woodland theme was a perfect fit for the program, and Disney agreed to loan the use of Bambi’s image to the CFFP for one year for their awareness campaign. The Bambi promotion was a success, but Disney would not extend the contract beyond the first year. The CFFP went looking for another spokesanimal.

They considered a squirrel. While I have nothing against squirrels, I think they made the right decision to move up the food chain and select a bear. A careless camper wouldn’t think twice about shooing away a fire prevention squirrel, badge or no badge. Try that with Smokey, and you’ll end up with a shovel up your you-know-what. Besides, how big of a shovel could a squirrel carry?

Number Five: He had a girlfriend, sorry, Karen.

Good guess, but no, she’s not Woodsie Owl, that would be weird. In 1962, the National Zoo paired Smokey with a female bear named Goldie Bear. The thought was that if Smokey had offspring, then a direct descendant of the original Smokey could continue as the living symbol. They never had cubs. Maybe Goldie should have tried holding his hand.

9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (5)

Number Six: He has his own zip code, 20252.

According to one of the interpretive signs in the Historical Park, in 1962, Smokey received more mail than any other resident of Washington D.C., including the President of the United States. In response, the Postal Service issued Smokey his own zip code, and the Forest Service assigned a secretary to Smokey. In 1994, The Postal Service decommissioned 20252, Smokey’s zip code. However, there is a happy ending; they reactivated the zip code in 2014 to honor of the 70th anniversary of the Smokey Bear campaign.

For fans who are more into 21st-century modes of communication, Smokey has his own Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account, and YouTube channel. How does he find the time?

Number Seven: His name isn’t Smokey the Bear.

Smokey’s name has caused me endless confusion over the last few years. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve referred to him as Smokey the Bear. But there is no “the” in his name.

When I researched this online, I found that I wasn’t alone in my confusion. Many people refer to him as Smokey the Bear. The cause of the confusion is due in part because Disney published a Little Golden book titled Smokey the Bear in the 1950s, and in it Smokey refers to himself as Smokey the Bear. A popular kid’s song, also from the 1950s, added to the confusion. The songwriters added “the” to his name because it better matched the rhythm of the song. I was glad to learn I’m not going crazy. His official name is simply, Smokey Bear.

Number Eight: Smokey Bear is the longest running public service campaign in U.S. history.

Smokey’s popularity is still going strong over 70 years later; he has over 300,000 followers on Facebook. Imagine the public outcry if they tried to sunset the Smokey campaign. That won’t happen; his brand alone is worth a considerable amount. In 1952, Congress passed an Act that removed Smokey’s image from the public domain and put it under the control of the Department of Agriculture. Today, you must have a license to produce merchandise that bears his image. The royalties from these products help fund wildlife prevention efforts.

Number Nine: There is an award named after him.

It’s a series of awards. Several organizations, including the Forest Service, collectively sponsor the awards program. Sometimes referred to as the Smokey Oscar, because it looks similar to the Academy Award statue, the Smokey Bear Award has several levels: Golden Smokey, Silver Smokey, Bronze Smokey, as well as a Smokey Certificate and Smokey Plaque.

According to the Smokey Bear website, in the world of wildfire prevention, there is no greater honor than to receive a Smokey Bear award, especially the national Gold Smokey award. These special awards are reserved for people or organizations that provide sustained, outstanding service, with significant program impact, in the wildfire prevention arena. Honorees demonstrate innovation, creativity, commitment and passion for wildfire prevention.

Smokey died Nov. 9, 1976. He was eulogized in The Post with a full-blown obituary. After his body was flown back toNew Mexico, they buried him behind their main building. Our tour of the Historical Park ended with a solemn visit to Smokey’s final resting place.We followed a garden path to a boulder that had a metal plaque explaining that this is where they buried Smokey. We paused for a moment and bowed our heads; R.I.P. Smokey.

The museum and park are worth a visit if you’re ever in the area of Capitan, New Mexico. And, if your plans take you there in early May, be sure to attend Smokey Bear Days. The organizer’s website describes the festival: Started in 2004 to celebrate Smokey’s 60th birthday, Smokey Bear Days has become an annual 2-day event held the first Friday and Saturday of May. The Smokey Bear Days’ mission is to promote the fire prevention message and educate visitors to the Capitan area about the dangers of unwanted, human-caused wildfires.

9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (6)

Tagged New Mexicosmokey bear

9 Things I Didn’t Know About Smokey Bear (2024)


What are some fun facts about Smokey the Bear? ›

Smokey has black bear relatives who weigh as much as 800 pounds, and some of his grizzly bear cousins weigh almost a ton (that's 2,000 pounds)! Smokey weighed about 1½ pounds. In other words, he weighed about as much as a big loaf of bread. Smokey's favorite clothes are his personalized ranger hat, blue jeans and belt.

What was Smokey the Bear's famous saying? ›

The first Smokey Bear PSA produced featured his original catchphrase, “Care will prevent 9 out of 10 forest fires.” By 1947, the phrase was changed to the even catchier, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” In 2001, the phrase was updated again to, “Only you can prevent wildfires,” to clarify the distinction between ...

What does Smokey the Bear symbolize? ›

It was finally decided that the Nation's fire prevention symbol should be a bear. On August 9, 1944, the new fire prevention symbol was agreed upon by the Forest Service, Association of State Foresters, and the Wartime Advertising Council. Artist Albert Staehle was asked to paint the first poster of Smokey Bear.

What is the story behind the Smokey the Bear? ›

According to the U.S. Forest Service website on Smokey, the original Smokey Bear was a fictional bear dreamed up as a symbol in 1944 for the Forest Service's campaign on forest fire prevention. However, in 1950, his name was bestowed on a bear cub who was rescued from a forest fire in New Mexico.

Why does Smokey the Bear wear pants but no shirt? ›

In other words, Smokey can be a hardass about fire safety when he needs to be, but he isn't a narc. The visual symbol of the blue jeans gives Smokey a trustworthiness that he wouldn't have if he were dressed only in the campaign hat. The pants imply to the viewer that Smokey isn't just The Man talking down to them.

What are the Smokey Bear's rules? ›

To help protect these amazing places, remember Smokey's Five Rules of Wildfire Prevention:
  • Only you can prevent wildfires.
  • Always be careful with fire.
  • Never play with matches or lighters.
  • Always watch your campfire.
  • Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it.

Why was Smokey the Bear bad? ›

For much of the last century, Smokey was the pitchman for the federal government's aggressive wildfire suppression policy. Some scientists believe that tactic, along with climate change, may have contributed to making American forests vulnerable to combustion over the long term.

How old was Smokey the Bear when he died? ›

1976. NOV. 9 Smokey dies at age 26. His remains are flown back to near where he was found in New Mexico.

What is Smokey the Bear's message? ›

Smokey's original catchphrase was "Smokey Says – Care Will Prevent 9 out of 10 Forest Fires." In 1947, it became "Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires." In 2001, it was again updated to its current version of "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires" in response to a massive outbreak of wildfires in natural areas other ...

Where is the Smokey Bear buried? ›

He remained at the zoo until his death in 1976, when he was returned to his home to be buried at the Smokey Bear Historical Park in Capitan, New Mexico, where he continues to be a wildfire prevention legend.

Why did they get rid of Smokey the Bear? ›

Smokey went into retirement after Stefan Hood of the BC Wildfire Service said they want to change how people view wildfires, to no longer see it as something to stop but rather something to live with and overlook.

How old is the Smokey Bear? ›

Coming up in 2024: Smokey Bear turns 80

Smokey on Airplane Cowling 1950 (USDA Forest Service image) 80 years is a tremendous milestone—for anyone. To make it to 80 means you have overcome life's greatest challenges and you truly become the elder, the sage, the one who knows a thing or two and should be listened to.

How long did Smokey the Bear live? ›

Smokey Bear
LifeSpring 1950 Capitan, New Mexico (living mascot) November 11, 1976 Washington, District of Columbia
In-universe information
SpeciesAmerican black bear
4 more rows

How long has Smokey been the mascot? ›

Smokey's earliest human namesakes certainly looked nothing like a Bluetick Coonhound! The canine Smokey himself joined the team in 1953. After some deliberation, the UT Pep Club settled on a hound as the most appropriate mascot for the Volunteers — narrowly besting the Tennessee Walking Horse.

What zoo did Smokey the Bear live in? ›

After baby Smokey recovered from his burns, the go-ahead was given to send him to Washington, D.C., where he found a home at the National Zoo. He remained there until he passed away in 1976.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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