7 Hanging Plants That Will Attract Hummingbirds | Nature Blog Network (2024)

Looking to attract hummingbirds to your yard? Look no further than these 7 glorious hanging plants. Whether you have a sunny or shady spot, these plants will add beauty to your hanging baskets while also drawing in those colorful, tiny birds. From the vibrant petunias to the trailing nasturtiums, each plant offers something unique to catch the attention of hummingbirds. So fill your hanging baskets with these plants and prepare to witness a flurry of hummingbird activity right outside your window.

If you’re looking to attract hummingbirds to your yard, hanging plants are a great way to do it. Not only do they add a pop of color and interest to your space, but they also bring the hummingbird action up close and at eye level. Whether you have a sunny or shady spot, there’s a hanging plant on this list that’s perfect for you. Let’s explore the best hanging plants to attract hummingbirds.


Growing Zones: 9 to 11 | Sun: Full Sun | Soil: Well-drained moist soil | Colors: Red, pink, white, blue, purple | Height: 6 – 18 inches | Spread: 18 inches to 4 feet

Petunias are easy to grow and look great tumbling out of hanging baskets and containers. They are often sold as young plants in flats at a nursery, but you can also grow them from seed. If growing from seed, start them ten weeks before your last frost date and then plant them out once the risk of frost has passed. Petunias are quite heat-tolerant, but make sure to give them a good soaking about once a week to keep them thriving. For hummingbirds, try planting petunias in bright colors like reds and pinks.


Growing Zones: 8 – 11 or grow as annual | Sun: Full sun | Soil: Well-drained, slightly acid | Colors: Red, orange, yellow, blue, pink, and white | Height: 6 feet | Spread: 6 feet

Lantanas are a great way to add interest to hanging baskets and containers. Their small clustered flowers are attractive to hummingbirds, and they look stunning spilling over the sides of pots. In colder regions, they can be grown as annuals, while in frost-free areas, they can be grown as evergreen shrubs. However, be cautious as lantanas can be considered invasive in frost-free regions. Growing them in pots can help control their spread.


Growing Zones: 6 – 11 | Sun: Partial sun to shade | Soil: Well-drained moist soil | Colors: Pink, purple, white, orange, and blue | Height: 1 – 3 feet | Spread: 1 – 5 feet

Fuchsias are bright and hardy perennials that provide nectar for hummingbirds throughout the summer. They look especially great in hanging baskets and containers, with their beautiful flowers abundantly drooping over the sides. Fuchsias come in hardy varieties and are easy to grow in most soils. They prefer dappled shade and not too much heat, making them a perfect addition to a shady area of your patio. Keep them well-maintained by pinching off growing tips after flowering and fertilizing every two weeks during the growing season.


Growing Zones: 2 – 11 | Sun: Full | Soil: Well-drained | Colors: Red, orange, yellow, pink | Height: 1 – 10 feet | Spread: 1 – 3 feet

Nasturtiums are trailing edible flowers that are perfect for creating hanging baskets for hummingbirds. Their rich nectar and deep flowers are specially designed to attract these small birds. Usually grown as annuals, nasturtiums come in trailing or bush types. Plant the seeds just after the last frost outdoors, and make sure to water them regularly during the growing season and deadhead them as needed.

Trumpet Vine

Growing Zones: 4 – 9 | Sun: Full sun or partial shade | Soil: Well-drained | Colors: Red, orange, yellow | Height: 25 – 40 feet | Spread: 5 – 10 feet

The abundant and huge flowers of the trumpet vine are extremely attractive to hummingbirds. They can be grown as hanging basket plants to control their fast-growing and potentially invasive nature. It is best to grow trumpet vines from plants or cuttings, as growing them from seeds can take several years to flower. Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil and watch as the hummingbirds flock to enjoy the flowers.

Bleeding Heart

Growing Zones: 3 – 9 | Sun: Partial shade | Soil: Well-drained, moist | Colors: Red, White, Pink | Height: 3 feet | Spread: 3 feet

Bleeding Hearts are shade-loving plants that bloom in the spring and have a lovely sweet smell. They make a fantastic addition to hanging baskets, especially in shady corners. While they may die back in hot or sunny conditions, the roots are usually fine and the plant will come back the following year. Keep the soil moist but not too wet, and your bleeding heart will reward you with beautiful, arching flowers.


Growing Zones: 2 – 11 | Sun: Shade or partial shade | Soil: Rich, well-draining | Colors: Red, pink, purple, yellow, coral | Height: 6 – 36 inches | Spread: 1 – 3 feet

Impatiens are bright and colorful annuals that thrive in shaded areas. They are perfect for hanging baskets on your porch or in any dark and shady spots in your yard. Impatiens prefer moist and well-draining soil, so make sure to water them regularly. They can be grown from plants or seeds, with seeds requiring a longer time to flower. Create a dense mat of flowers and leaves by planting them close together, and watch as hummingbirds are drawn to their vibrant colors.

In conclusion, hanging plants are a wonderful addition to any yard if you want to attract hummingbirds. Petunias, lantanas, fuchsias, nasturtiums, trumpet vine, bleeding heart, and impatiens are some of the best choices for hanging baskets. Whether you have a sunny or shady area, there’s a hanging plant on this list that will bring beauty and hummingbirds to your yard. So go ahead and fill your hanging baskets with these glorious plants, and enjoy the delightful presence of hummingbirds in your outdoor space.

7 Hanging Plants That Will Attract Hummingbirds | Nature Blog Network (2024)
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